Tooth Replacement With Partial Dentures

Tooth Replacement Huntsville, AL

A tooth replacement procedure is vital if you are missing teeth. You will be happy to know that there are multiple options available to restore your smile. If you are missing a few or many teeth but have healthy natural teeth remaining, partial dentures make a lot of sense. This solution can improve your appearance and allow you to eat most foods again. Now is a good time to talk to your dentist about getting started with treatment.

What leads to the need for tooth replacement?

Teeth are meant to last a person’s lifetime. With good care and by avoiding mishaps, teeth can hold up to wear and tear. However, when a person neglects good oral hygiene, teeth can deteriorate. Improper brushing and flossing (or a lack of doing either) can lead to decay and disease. Teeth can become brittle and break or fall out. Gum disease can also destroy the tissue and bone that support the teeth.

Accidents are also a cause of tooth loss. Using teeth to open bottles and packages can pull them out. Biting into a hard object can also dislodge a tooth. Car accidents, falls, and sports injuries can also result in tooth loss.

An overview of partial dentures

If a person has missing teeth on the upper or lower jaw, or both, partial dentures can replace them. The dentures consist of a gum-colored acrylic base and artificial teeth attached to it. The teeth are typically made of ceramic or porcelain and fit in the empty spaces in the mouth. The appliance clasps into the mouth over the natural teeth. Partial dentures are removable.


Aesthetically, there are benefits to this tooth replacement method. Partial dentures look real because the artificial teeth are the same color as the natural teeth. The base will blend in well with the games and mouth too. The dentures are custom-made to fit properly in the person’s mouth.


It can be embarrassing to lose a permanent tooth. It also makes it difficult to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. A person will not be able to chew some types of foods well without a full set of teeth. The tooth replacement treatment of partial dentures can restore this ability. With partial dentures, patients can once more chew many foods. Still, the person should be cautious about biting into hard and sticky foods.

Address complicated tooth loss

Most cases of tooth loss involve having missing teeth in different areas. Partial dentures can close the gaps in a dental arch. Dental bridges cannot correct this type of tooth loss. The dentist can suggest providing bridges in some areas and this type of tooth replacement in others. Partial dentures can make tooth replacement more targeted.

Easy maintenance

Maintaining and caring for partial dentures is vital. The person should rinse off the appliance after eating. It can also help to soak the dentures in a solution overnight. When handling the dentures, the person should be cautious not to drop the appliance. If the patient detects any damage to the dentures, they should immediately contact the dentist.

Cleaning the dentures after every meal and before bed allows the removal of food particles. A thorough cleaning can eliminate any debris. This would prevent discomfort as these particles press onto the gum tissue while wearing the partials. Removing the dentures for cleaning and soaking also allows the gums to rest and recover.

Custom-fit tooth loss treatment

Partial dentures can bring back a patient’s smile and ability to function. This type of tooth replacement restores the aesthetics of a dental arch. It also helps correct severe tooth loss by providing a comfortable type of tooth replacement. The dentist will create the restorations according to the patient’s specific inner mouth contours, size, and shape.

Prevent dental shifting

Tooth loss is an unhealthy dental event. This results in the onset of dental shifting. The neighboring teeth of the dental gap start to move into it. The movement will distort the original position of the teeth. This will ruin the patient’s normal bite. Then, jawbone issues will start.

A partial denture will prevent this dental shifting. Placing an artificial tooth in the dental gap will block the adjacent teeth from moving. The patient will then continue to enjoy comfortable eating and speaking. This will remove any pain and instability from having dental gaps in a dental arch.

Restore the full function of your mouth with partial dentures

Tooth loss is not a minor issue. If you have lost a permanent tooth, talk to your dentist right away about the right tooth replacement treatment. Partial dentures can preserve your oral health and help you feel good about your appearance. Make an appointment today for an evaluation.

Are you considering getting a tooth replacement in the Huntsville area? Get more information at

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dentures and Partial Dentures in Huntsville, AL.

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